Quarterly Results – Q1/FY19

Do you want to see verified, real, Forex profit? It’s the end of the first quarter (Apr-Jun) of our Fiscal Year. Today, in our Start of Week Session, we presented the monthly and quarterly performance for our 3 accounts, Short Term, Intermediate Term, and Long Term. Unlike other Forex Academies and coaches, we trade live, and we trade with real money accounts. We do all this with our students and subscribers watching every step of the way, confirming that every trade is real, and able to monitor the account balances at all times. We dare any other Forex company or coach to do the same and compare results with us.

But what this means for you as a customer, is that you get the real deal. No demo account trading, no switcheroos, nothing other than real results, always. That’s not to say we don’t lose on individual trades, or that we don’t have losing months. See April below on the Short Term Account. It wasn’t a pretty month. But we’ve been at this for a while, always profitably. And with realistic gains. Hint: The guy telling you he gets 100% gains every month is scamming you. He doesn’t really trade. But he’s great at pretending he does and charging you for it.

These were our results for the quarter, on the 3 accounts. Or you can watch the video above for a running commentary.

Short Term (15.74% quarterly gains)

Intermediate Term (19.64% quarterly gains)

Long Term (0.91% quarterly gains)

If you’re not a student or subscriber, and you want to verify the results and the fact that they are real money accounts, get in touch with us. We’ll be happy to set up a free consultation to answer all your questions. Do you want results like these in your trading account? You can sign up now with a special Independence Day Discount! Valid through July 4th, 2019. See below for details.

Buy a subscription to any of our Trading Services, the FX CopyTrader, the FX Trading Room, or our FX Signals, and get the other two for free! No coupons needed. You'll be subscribed to all 3 automatically no matter which one you purchase!
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Founder and Director of Special FX Academy, Andres is now a full time trader, mentor, and writer. In the past, Andres has held director level positions at venerable trading exchanges including New York Stock Exchange, Euronext, and Fannie Mae. Buy his Forex Trading book here!

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